Thursday, 17 April 2014

Q7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you havelearnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Q7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Personally I think I've come a long way from my college magazine as you can see the difference between the 2 magazines I have learnt many things such as the technologies of Photoshop to camera angles and shots on my model, I have progressed as I know now that I have to duplicate my layers whenever I’m doing anything I have noticed that on my preliminary task I have white boxes around my writing whereas on my new one I have designed it so I haven’t I have used opacity and different features throughout whereas on my preliminary task I just looked like I dint know anything or the features throughout it. I made sure on my music magazine that I had every convention that I needed, unlike my music magazine I have got a background on my college magazine which does not look professional also the writing at the bottom of the college magazine is not in line with the model and does not look right whereas the music magazine is set out very well I learnt this by looking at existing music magazines. As you can see With my music magazine I have more sell lines and more promotional features as the audience know who I’m talking about in my music magazine, on the other hand my college magazines promotional feature says ‘see how the team get on, this says to the audience that it could be anything it doesn't tell you what they’re getting on with, as well as that I have included the online website in my music magazine whereas on my college magazine I have got a huge bar code and no website to go on.

I got personal feedback from my target audience about my media product and this is what they said: firstly i started with Poppy ( a teenager with a house style look and has interest within this genre) she said that my music magazine was far more professional, in the departments that i needed to work up on i fulfilled that with my music magazine, she said that it was very clear unlike my college magazine as with my music magazine there was a lot more to my music magazine throughout, she said i could have used a different model for my first front cover as i am not seeing my own camera skills on my starter task where as on my music magazine its all my work, she went on to secondly say that my music magazine holds a lot more conventions than my preliminary task as i have many more things on there for example in my music magazine i have use of a pull quote unlike my college magazine where i have none at all. thirdly i had many compliments about my music magazine as my college one was lacking behind very highly, Poppy said that my music magazine was eye catching as my music magazine is consistent, on the other hand the audience can tell that my college magazine is not consistent as its not consistent with its color scheme. in addition she went on to say that I had a lack off sell lines within my college magazine.

My second person that i got feedback from was David Smith, now he went on to say that my college magazine was very basic and minimal quality, unlike any others he gave positive praise within both of my magazine stating that they both fulfill the purpose in what i was intending to do, but there had to be a difference as my music magazine fulfilled it to a better level than my college one. he said that my college magazine looked very professional and realistic. David then said that it met my target audience of house music as when i asked other people if they would read my music magazine to my college on they all said they'd rather read my music one. from then he went on to say that i created constant house style theme throughout.

Thirdly i spoke to Joshua Shipman who had a very similar type of music and clothing style to myself, he said that on my college magazine my layout was all wrong where as my music magazine was to a tee, he said on my college magazine my bar codes bit to big and everything look out of place as if I've rushed it or not known what i was doing, he said that it looked very plain, and there was no pull quote, josh said that my sell lines where to a minimal on my college magazine as my music magazine stood out a lot more as there was a lot more on the page to read. on my college magazine josh noticed what i had failed to as there was no price within the magazine, he said that my music magazine is so much better and meets the target audience criteria that i should hope to meet as it looks really professional. 


Saturday, 12 April 2014

Q5)How did you attract/address your audience?

Q4)Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q4 Part2) Who would be the audience for your media product?
the audience in my media product would be teenagers/young adults year olds, below are some videos on who i think my audience would be if i was to sell it to anyone. i went through a series of questions and made them answer them as honest as they could to give me good praise and improvements that i could have made when doing my music magazine, here are the questions for my peers to answer for me:
What age are you?
What Gender are you?
What genre would you say that my media product relates to?
What social group would you say my media product comes under?
Does my media product show consistency throughout?
Would you read my magazine?
In what ways could I change my music magazine?
Here below is the feedback got given to me by them.