Monday, 9 December 2013

existing product

This is an example of the type of magazine that i will produce will do this to promote college sport at wyke, it will feature promotions and offers that students will not be able to resist!i will promote all of the teams at wyke and how great they are by using 'SELL LINES' also i will have a main image of a student exampling sport life at college. i will present a shot type within the image and use all the conventions within the front cover.
this is good because the model in this picture is rubbing his hands together because it connotes that this magazine, it connotes this because you would usually do this action if your about to do something good. this is a good example and would affect my mind when im making my magazine because i now know that character placement is vital when im creating my college magazine, for example the models head is infront of the writing, this is good because it gives affect on the model, basically saying hes the most important thing on the front cover.

this is good because she's making a facial expression, this is too show that she's promoting the sexy side of this magazine as its only about fashion  she is trying to promote that this fashion mag is the best for fashion. personally i like the colour coordination, this is because i think it looks very smart and i will use this type of colours in my magazine due to it looking sharp.
I love the way she is looking directly into the camera as if she's talking to you. Additionally i love the way the sell lines are set out because now you can see all of the model which looks good.
i love the way this one is set out because the model is doing a pose shot i love this because of the lighting also. It brings out the effect of the model as she's the main thing on this magazine, the lighting brings out that shes having a good time because she's dancing. also i love the font of this magazine because its original as I've never seen this before.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Camera Shots

This is an example of a Pose Shot this is used to emphasise that they're the best, basically 'Cockiness'. this is used because there trying to get across to the audience that they can be like him if they're cocky.
This is an example of a group shot this is good because it connotes that the girls got the power over the boys this is good because:
Girls will want to by the mag, to get in control of the boys like the image.

This is a close up/bad framing. this is because the model was moving while they was taking the picture. to do this type of shot you would have to be in sport mode. this is where it takes a series of shots so the picture isn't blurry.
this is a good example of a close up because the model is looking directly into the camera. this gives the audience the effect that they're going to be reading a serious mag.

This is an example of a medium close up/ Pose shot, this is a good shot because your getting the waist up and showing more of the body.

This is a good shot because it emphasises that they're all together and all in a group together. this is good because it looks as if the magazine is a good/ popular one.

This is a long shot, this is good because it gets the full body in and it gets what the model is doing in the photo for instance in this photo the model looks intimidating so its good because lads will want to read the mag to be like him.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Colour Board

I will use the colour blue because it suits the R'N'B Genre and also i will use a little white to make it look classy.


this is an image what i drafted out on paper and scanned it in, this is an example of my double page spread.

this is an example of what my contents page will look like, this is a draft on paper and yet again i scanned it in.

this is a example of a front cover what i scanned in this is because i need to know what i need to do when im doing this.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Convo by Condog Rose on GoAnimate

Contents Mock Up

Sports Mag Evaluation

Real media products don’t tend to use props within their magazine covers as it draws the audience to something else other than the sell lines and the things what actually sell the magazine and make it to what I am. My product uses a prop due to it been an exclusive which is purely based on one sport. I have done this to not only attract the rugby players themselves but the rugby fans within the college. My media cover represents the social side of sport as it’s an exclusive of sport and the editions within the magazines. Also it represents anybody who loves sport and the exclusive of rugby themselves. What draw the audience in the most are the promos and the free represents the target audience of the adult teachers due to the editions of the college magazine and if they want to see how all the teams are doing such as football, rugby, netball, basketball and all the other mini events such as volley ball and table tennis. Which creates affect because not only are the main sports in there but the mini ones are in there too.

The audience would be ranged between the teenagers and the adults to check up on how their child is doing with the sport at the college also it would target teachers because they would want to see how every team is doing within the college.
I attracted my audience by putting a prop within my arms because then it says to the audience ‘oh it’s a spot mag’ and then they give it a read also they want to know what’s happening with the sport and the college.
 I have learnt that if you do anything on a word or PowerPoint processer then you have to change it too a picture to get it onto your blogger. Overall I worked basically all over my planning and everything to make my front cover look the best it could.
 I think that I have learnt a lot of things while doing this as I know now that photo shop gets a total better quality within your advert and makes it look more professional and standard. Also I have learnt that I need to plan more as I didn’t plan that much last time yet I ended up doing it with struggle, this time I have planned and it has brought me ease as I knew what I was doing in every step. Also I have created a mock up as it helps me with structure and positioning when doing this project and creating my overall final product.

I would have spent a little less time planning and making sure that my final product was finished as I cut it abit fine. Also I would make sure that I was in a better are when taking photos because the background isn’t relevant to sport at all as it would be better if I did it on a rugby field or a football field to create some connotation towards my magazine.  

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Mood Board

Existing Products Research

this is good because the model in this picture is rubbing his hands together because it connotes that this magazine, it connotes this because you would usually do this action if your about to do something good. this is a good example and would affect my mind when im making my magazine because i now know that character placement is vital when im creating my college magazine, for example the models head is infront of the writing, this is good because it gives affect on the model, basically saying hes the most important thing on the front cover.

This is an example of the type of magazine that i will produce will do this to promote college sport at wyke, it will feature promotions and offers that students will not be able to resist!i will promote all of the teams at wyke and how great they are by using 'SELL LINES' also i will have a main image of a student exampling sport life at college. i will present a shot type within the image and use all the conventions within the front cover.

Mock up of College Mag

Free gift                                      Cover Lines

                               Mast Head 

               Main Image/MAIN COVER LINES

                                                          SELL LINES
                                                                                                                     SELL LINES

Colour Scheme 


                                                  Barcode, Date Line
Free gift.                                    Price Tag, Website                               

Monday, 23 September 2013

Analysing Front Covers Page 2

Language: the language in this ad connotes that if you read this mag then you will get an extra step to been muscly also its saying about ways too look great, this is a good this because it might higher someones confidence.
Ideology:the goal that this mag is trying to achive with you buying is that its trying to make you look and feel the best you can due to the title of 'Mens Health'.
Representation: the representation on this mag is good as it has a sterotypical woman getter so thatll think that if you buy this mag then you will be a woman getter.
Institution: the institution is 'Mens Health'
Audience:the target audience is men as it says 'Mens' 'Health' . 

Analysing Front Covers Page 1

Language: the language that is used on the front cover of this magazine is 'XXL' the connotation of this is that its for big men with big egos!
Ideology: the goal is to get to men out there that this magazine is for real men and big men as the tite connotes that, also featuring TI in this magazine will bring out the rap/hip hop fans out there.
Representation: This magazine comes from 'XXL'
Institution: it is a monthly magazine devoted to the hip hop community.
Audience: the target audience will be males as theres a determind man on the front cover with the title 'XXL'.

Language: the writing on the page connotes that this magazine will make you laugh or be a mystery as it says 'TI has the last laugh'.
Ideology: the goal that its trying to get out there that is that if you buy this magazine you will have the vibe!
Representation: the way the mags set out is sophisticated as they use the top of his head as a 'B'
Institution: Vibe Institution
Audience:the target audienceis in the hip hop communty which is usally young adults.

The Brief

The Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTB and an image manipulation programme, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close up plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP

Main Task: the front page, contents and a double page spread of a new music magazine. all images and texts must be original, produced by you- minimum of four images.