Monday, 23 September 2013

Analysing Front Covers Page 2

Language: the language in this ad connotes that if you read this mag then you will get an extra step to been muscly also its saying about ways too look great, this is a good this because it might higher someones confidence.
Ideology:the goal that this mag is trying to achive with you buying is that its trying to make you look and feel the best you can due to the title of 'Mens Health'.
Representation: the representation on this mag is good as it has a sterotypical woman getter so thatll think that if you buy this mag then you will be a woman getter.
Institution: the institution is 'Mens Health'
Audience:the target audience is men as it says 'Mens' 'Health' . 

Analysing Front Covers Page 1

Language: the language that is used on the front cover of this magazine is 'XXL' the connotation of this is that its for big men with big egos!
Ideology: the goal is to get to men out there that this magazine is for real men and big men as the tite connotes that, also featuring TI in this magazine will bring out the rap/hip hop fans out there.
Representation: This magazine comes from 'XXL'
Institution: it is a monthly magazine devoted to the hip hop community.
Audience: the target audience will be males as theres a determind man on the front cover with the title 'XXL'.

Language: the writing on the page connotes that this magazine will make you laugh or be a mystery as it says 'TI has the last laugh'.
Ideology: the goal that its trying to get out there that is that if you buy this magazine you will have the vibe!
Representation: the way the mags set out is sophisticated as they use the top of his head as a 'B'
Institution: Vibe Institution
Audience:the target audienceis in the hip hop communty which is usally young adults.

The Brief

The Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTB and an image manipulation programme, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close up plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP

Main Task: the front page, contents and a double page spread of a new music magazine. all images and texts must be original, produced by you- minimum of four images.