Monday, 27 January 2014

Double Page Spread LIIAR analysis

Language: the font size within the double page spread is professional as we can see clearly that when the font size goes big then we know that its a sub title. the language that is used is a caption as we then find out if we didn't know already who the picture is off. we only see 4 colors within the double page spread, this is used because they want it too make the girl the main subject to the audience. the girl is wearing a puffy dress, this is to show that she is fashionable, this magazine is good because there are repeated images of the girl to show that she's the main thing on the page. on the title the main thing is in a different color, the title is in bold to make it stand out, we see the logo and what color it is in the top left corner of the double page spread, the caption below the model is in black bold lettering. this is good because to read the article we would need to know who the model is and you could find this in the caption, we can see that this shot is a pose shot and creates effect because she is trying to get across that she is a stereo typical good looking female, what i mean by stereotypical is that when we think of a model or a celebrity woman the first word the audience thinks of is dazzling, and very good looking.

Institution: we know that the magazine is published by NOW magazine. the history behind  NOW was launched in late 1996 as a less serious, more gossip-oriented magazine aimed at women. A series of high-profile celebrity relationships. this got across to the audience an easy way to find out about certain celebs in the industry that they're in we saw such celebrities for example, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, And Jennifer Aniston. as you can see we know the magazine is created by NOW because of the logo that represents the company's name and reputation.

Ideology: the attitude behind this double page spread is that she is a cocky person because she is good looking and that is what she is trying to promote. she is doing a series of pose shots to create the affect that she is a sexy model, who has had a great carer, also the attitude is very serious which connotes that the magazines gossip is taken very serious as it can be. the magazine sets out too look like they only want good looking people to read there magazine as they have a dazzling model stood there giving of the denotation that she is very pretty.

Audience: the audience on this double page spread looks like its to women or late teens as the age of the model is quite old, on the other hand you could say that the younger generation could read this magazine and look up to the lady as a role model. they will want to buy this magazine because they want to find out the gossip about the celebrities or life stories about them as shown in this double page spread. this magazine tends to give off the impression that its funky and classy as the color range is varied throughout the magazine. 

Representation: the representation to this magazine is that its very classy and good because of the looks on the model and the color representation as it seems to the audience that its almost fabulous. on the other hand you could say its biased as the audience is categorized basically to women as the main headline is about the woman and her life and whats shes done throughout it the caption is very large and stands out so we know who the articles talking about which gives us a good representation.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Liiar Analysis

Language:The layout is a fairly simple, classic design which works well. In this contents page we see that  there is a hand going across the mans body reaching to a heart, the denotation of this is that shes ripping his heart out, usually we would come across someone who is scared if they're getting there heart ripped out. but the man is fearless so is showing that he is calm and stress less. we see that the man is the main image on this page as its the first thing we come across. he is wearing a blazer and shirt to connote classiness and smart, the denotation of this is that the magazine which we will be reading is a very smart presentable magazine with lots of features. we can also tell that this magazine is classy because of the text on the page which looks very posh and sophisticated, we can tell that it is because of the curl flicks on the end of the letters. we can tell whats what because of the boldness and the sizing of the text for example, the title of the magazine is very large and different colored compared to the other text, we can tell that next to it is the title because its big and bold and stands out to make sure we know what where reading, the only criticism of this is that the text on this contents page is very standard and boring.The fonts used for the main body of text are slightly more extravagant but compliment the title also. they should make it classy as the magazine is giving of that its a classy one. the model is gazing into the camera as if to say that he isn't bothered about the arm coming across him, he looks very cocky and arrogant as if to say that everyone wants him.

Institution:The contents page featured above is from V magazine and displays a mid shot image of Kanye West. the text on this contents page is very smart as it stands out to the audience with the flicks and swirls within the headlines. as well as that we are that all of the subheadings are very bold and easy to see which is very good, it is good because we know where to look straight away and it draws us into the magazine. we know that the institution is V magazine, we know this as there is a vigorously big V in on the page, this is good because if we just looked at this contents page we would know that its V magazine due to the logo.

Ideology:The attitude to this magazine varies because we see that this model is looking into the camera very cocky, but on the other hand the way hes dress he looks very smart and sophisticated so its giving us as the audience mixed opinions on this magazine. they create this magazine to make the audience want to buy it, we know that this company are very presentable and very smart. we know that they are the type of people that take pride in their work and make sure its at the best of its ability. this then gets sold and that's how this magazine gets profit.

Audience: the audience of this magazine seems to look at the businesses side of things like the smart side due to the way the man is dressed which is giving us denotations that he is a smart man to so the institution is getting out that only smart people can read this as its a smart magazine. the target audience for this magazine will be adults because it seems to be a bit ore mature for teenagers as we can tell by the fancy texts. however its getting across that only men can read this magazine as the models a male and the model behind him is craving for him. this shows to the audience that if you read this magazine all the women will be craving over you.

Representation: the production is representing its self as a classy production due to the color scheme as we connote black and grey a smart color. this magazine is selling to the audience because they want to feel classy by reading this magazine and they think that the price is worth feeling classy over. the model is looking really stubborn as if to say its a challenge to read this magazine, so getting across to the audience about competitiveness this will encourage the audience to then buy the magazine and read it with pride.  

Monday, 13 January 2014

Focus Group Questionare


How old are you-

What is your relationship status-

What genre are you most into-

Are you in education? -

If so state which type-

Have you ever purchased a magazine if so which one? –

Plans For Future-

What name do you think is the best, ARE ‘N’ BEE, SINNERS STYLE, SKYLINE PRODUX.

Old R And B too new?

Do you think the genre is overrated or underrated or just normal?

This is a basic step to my focus group. Hopefully will go well. Thanks

Digital Mock Up

Focus Group Video